The Future of Health Data
A Foresight Project
Produced for the requirements of the Foresight Studio course of Strategic Foresight and Innovation MDes at OCAD University, this project aimed to study the future of healthcare.
The first part involved scanning and capturing signals of change related to the general topic. These signals of change were sorted according to STEEPV (social, technological, economic, environmental, political, and values) and classified based on the level of maturity (emerging, growing, peaking, declining). Following this phase, some trends were crafted and enriched with information about implications and extrapolations.
For the second phase of this project, three main techniques were used to generate future scenarios, with each one relying on the other to build a holistic picture of our potential futures: Manoa method, 2x2 Matrix, and Backcasting. The development of this phase contributed to the design of the Innovation Strategy, also presented in this portfolio.
The final part of the project involved an immersive scenario in the year 2045. Participants experienced a meeting of the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare, where they voted on the Protocol 2045 towards a mandatory evacuation from a city suffering from the rising heat. The experience involved some immersive components (biodevice scanning, tea, nutrient infused teas and drop additives) aiming to transport people to 2045 and make them realize they also had a biodevice inside their bodies.