Realizing Potential
This project was produced to the Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) as a joint project for two courses of the Strategic Foresight and Innovation MDes at OCADU: Leading Innovation and Business Design. Authors: Igor Bueno Antunes, Kathryn Cramer, Samantha Matters, and Sara Qarizada.
Our process considered the double diamond design process. We used a phased, iterative design approach and were committed to deeply understand the challenges of this project in order to develop creative and human-centred solutions for WSPS.
From our research, we used several tools to help our analysis and synthesis, such as: value proposition canvas, business model canvas, viable system model, and ten types of innovation analysis. Using techniques to better collaborate, such as the reverse brainstorming, we narrowed our focus and reframed the problem.
With these insights, we re-framed the problem and identified a possible innovation space that addresses the structure, stability, and staff engagement. HOW MIGHT WE ENHANCE TEAM DYNAMICS TO NURTURE EXISTING INNOVATION CAPABILITIES AT WSPS?
Our answer was REALIZING POTENTIAL. In essence, Realizing Potential is a plan that will guide WSPS in enhancing its existing innovation capabilities, positioning its employees as experts, and building a culture of collaboration and transparency to transform innovative thinking into tangible action successfully. By helping WSPS to realize its potential, it was our hope that the organization would continue to thrive in delivering its brand vision of protecting the potential of all workers in Ontario.
We recommended several initiatives, each falling under one of the three categories of innovation: culture of collaboration, empower staff, and enhance innovation capabilities. The initiatives under each category work together to create a positive feedback loop between categories, furthering the impact of each. Additionally, to guide the sequencing of our recommended initiatives, we plotted them on a prioritization timeline.
We had to conduct the project within a short period of six weeks. Therefore, it involved challenges to conducting primary research with WSPS employees. We decided to work with internal data and public resources, such as employees’ reviews available in Glassdoor. We made sure we aligned the course of the project with the client, clarifying any question that we could not answer with the available data.
We shared the workload throughout the project, evenly across the four team members and implemented a highly collaborative approach to this project. However, I was ultimately responsible for a couple of parts of the project, such as:
- the adaptation of the Value Proposition Canvas, where we included the employee as the customer;
- the evaluation of its business, with the Business Model Canvas;
- the final keynote presentation, which was presented to the WSPS’ CEO, in an engaging, inspirational, and clear way.
A small part of our final presentation:
Take a look at the report: